family marriage news Nowakowski

Louis Nowakowski and Melissa Thompson to Marry

We would like to congratulate Louis Vincent Nowakowski and Melissa Anne Thompson who will be getting married this weekend.

Learn more at Their Wedding Website (invitation only). Also, see Melissa’s iWeb site for some great pictures.

baby birthdays family love news

Lucas James Arconati

Born today (4/26/07) at 3:05pm to James and Lisa Arconati, weighing in at 7 pounds and 2 ounces and 19½ inches tall, please welcome Lucas James Arconati.

Below are some links to photos available online. Family members or friends interested in prints of the photos need not buy them from directly.

More will be posted or linked to from here when available.

awards boy-scouts family Kramer news

Linda Kramer Receives Boy Scout Recognition

Silver Beaver Award

As a movement whose leadership is overwhelmingly volunteer, the Boy Scouts of America recognizes the need to acknowledge the invaluable services that men and women render to youth. Of the awards that the BSA presents each year to those on the local council, regional, and national levels, the Silver Beaver is among the most prestigious. This recognition is granted by one’s own peers in Scouting for distinguished service to youth. (Other BSA awards, by comparison, are granted only to those who have completed a prescribed course of study or have participated in special training sessions.)

Established in 1931, the Silver Beaver Award is presented within a BSA local council for distinguished service to young people. The Silver Beaver is one of the highest awards bestowed on adult members of the BSA. Less than 20 people receive this award each year.

Linda will be recognized during the Greater St Louis Area Council Awards Dinner in May. Please join me in congratulating Linda on this distinguished honor.

DSC_2718c - Linda
DSC_2729c - Linda
DSC_2724c - Linda

Originally uploaded by arco12001

baby family history Lillian news obituary

St. Louis Public Library – Obituary Index

It was discovered via a search engine that Lillian, a recent addition to the Arconati Family, is not the first one to bear that name. Please take a moment and view the results at the St. Louis Public Library – Obituary Index for 1993. Search the page using your browser for the following entry:

ARCONATI, LILLIAN (nee Daigger) 11/1

The parents, Jon & Kelly have been interviewed and it sounds like this one is a simple and interesting coincidence. It should be noted that the new Mom & Dad are doing fine and adjusting well.

Finally, Ruby Herod was interviewed as well and it is possible that she knew the older Lillian, though it was not 100% clear at this time how she was related to us. More details will come later.

baby birthdays family love news

Lillian Grace Arconati

Born tonight (2/24/07) at 11:15pm to Jonathan Arconati and Kelly Stumm-Arconati, weighing in at about 6 pounds, welcome Lillian Grace Arconati.

family news photos

Shared Photos on Flickr for Arconati Family

Several photos for the Arconati Family can be found available online for any family member interested. Please note that at this time it is against our policy to display images of children without parental consent.

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baby family news

James and Lisa Arconati to Have Third Child

Though this is long overdue as a news posting, since almost everyone already knows, this needed to be posted here for anyone that missed it.

Last summer, the couple promised themselves that they would try again and thankfully, they are going to be blessed with a son this spring.

See Jim’s blog post for more information and to learn the name they have picked out.

business family news

Missouri Disc Dog Sponsors – Dr. Ronald V. Arconati

I found the following page in a search result for “Arconati”.

Please support the people and businesses that support the MoDDC. Through the generosity of these individuals and companies the MoDDC is able to continue our common community programs.

Health / Chiropractor

Dr. Ronald V. Arconati
Chiropractic Physician
5684 Telegraph Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63129
(314) 846-2100