Born tonight (2/24/07) at 11:15pm to Jonathan Arconati and Kelly Stumm-Arconati, weighing in at about 6 pounds, welcome Lillian Grace Arconati.
Category: family
We are wishing you a Happy St. Valentines Day from the Arconati Family. The American Heritage Dictionary defines "Valentine" as follows.
- A sentimental or humorous greeting card sent to a sweetheart, friend, or family member, for example, on Saint Valentine’s Day.
- A gift sent as a token of love to one’s sweetheart on Saint Valentine’s Day.
- A person singled out especially as one’s sweetheart on Saint Valentine’s Day.
For those that might be interested, here is a video showing how to say "Valentine" in sign language.
See more at the MSU‘s Comm Tech Lab.
Several photos for the Arconati Family can be found available online for any family member interested. Please note that at this time it is against our policy to display images of children without parental consent.
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Though this is long overdue as a news posting, since almost everyone already knows, this needed to be posted here for anyone that missed it.
Last summer, the couple promised themselves that they would try again and thankfully, they are going to be blessed with a son this spring.
See Jim’s blog post for more information and to learn the name they have picked out.
We want to wish a very Happy Birthday to Olivia Nicole Arconati.
Picture has been quality adjusted.
I’d like to extend a special welcome to all the family members who are visiting my site our site for the first time. Please have a look around and check back again soon.
This weekend saw another successful birthday party planned and implemented mostly by Lisa Arconati. The theme was Pop/Rock Star. Happy Birthday Reese!