family history holidays Kramer Linda Nowakowski Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

We want to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving! Here is a short history of our holiday that Linda shared with everyone right before we ate that I thought would be good to repost here.

The first Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621. Initially it was meant to be a fast day. The settlers at Plymouth Rock mostly recognized the way to give thanks in the form of prayer and abstinence from food. But the Wampanoag Indians, who were invited to join the Pilgrims for the 3-day celebration, contributed their own harvest traditions of dance, games and feasting. (Note the difference one little letter can make in your life!)

In 1777, all 13 colonies celebrated the day at once, after their victory over the British at Saratoga.

In 1789, President George Washington hailed the holiday and asked all Americans to celebrate and be grateful. After that year, it was celebrated sporadically until 1863 when President Abe Lincoln recognized Thanksgiving as an official Union feast day and
national holiday. He declared the day as a time to express thanks for the many blessings, despite the tragedies of our Civil War.

In 1941, Congress made the fourth Thursday a national legal holiday to celebrate Thanskgiving.

I hope your Thanksgiving was a good as ours. God bless!

birthdays family Kramer Lonny

Happy Birthday Lonny Kramer


Happy Birthday. You got a little cake on your face.

birthdays family Kramer Linda

Happy Birthday Linda Kramer!

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We want to wish a Happy Birthday to Linda Kramer!

family Kramer Lonny marriage news

Schwartz-Kramer Wedding A Success

As expected, Tami and Lonny tied the knot over the last weekend. Turnout was wonderful, the newly married couple had a wonderful time and the reception party lasted well into the early morning. Highlights of the weekend include:

Congratulations again to Lonny and Tami. Many blessings to you both!

family friends Kramer Lonny marriage news

Tami Schwartz & Lonny Kramer

We have another important upcoming wedding to announce. Lonny Kramer and his fiancé, Tami Schwartz have a date set for October and will be getting married in Groton, New York. Congratulations to the married-couple-to-be.

Lonny and Tami in the snow
Lonny trying to convince Long Island girl that NJ is pretty!

Visit Tami and Lonny’s Wedding Website.

awards boy-scouts family Kramer news

Linda Kramer Receives Boy Scout Recognition

Silver Beaver Award

As a movement whose leadership is overwhelmingly volunteer, the Boy Scouts of America recognizes the need to acknowledge the invaluable services that men and women render to youth. Of the awards that the BSA presents each year to those on the local council, regional, and national levels, the Silver Beaver is among the most prestigious. This recognition is granted by one’s own peers in Scouting for distinguished service to youth. (Other BSA awards, by comparison, are granted only to those who have completed a prescribed course of study or have participated in special training sessions.)

Established in 1931, the Silver Beaver Award is presented within a BSA local council for distinguished service to young people. The Silver Beaver is one of the highest awards bestowed on adult members of the BSA. Less than 20 people receive this award each year.

Linda will be recognized during the Greater St Louis Area Council Awards Dinner in May. Please join me in congratulating Linda on this distinguished honor.

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DSC_2729c - Linda
DSC_2724c - Linda

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